A place for me to expand into a regular writer in the most obnoxiously modern way I know how.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year! (2015)

9:34 PM Posted by karasa No comments

Published December 31st, 2014

It's been so long since i've posted on here

Sucks that i've already kind of broken down on my "post per day" promise, but thats what the New Year is all about right?? Finding new things to inspire you and push you to being your best self. I'm all about it. Which is why im announcing that i'm going to be trying a new way of blogging. 

i hope the world is treating all of y'all well, and that positive energy is ever present in your life! 



Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fact of the Day

8:05 PM Posted by karasa No comments
published october 12th, 2014

If people tell me to do something that I was already planning on doing. It agitates me. Specifically because they didn't give me a chance to do it. Because of this, I almost always decide to not do the thing to spite the person who told me to do the thing. This is a horrible habit, but sometimes I just can't help myself. gaah


Saturday, October 11, 2014

I haven't gone to sleep yet..

11:41 PM Posted by karasa No comments
Which means that this post isn't late!

(Published October 12th, 2014)

I've been having some trouble sleeping lately.

Trouble in the sense that I woke up at 4 in the afternoon today.

I have no clue how i'm going to get through college, but hopefully I won't have too many early morning classes.

Now i'm going to try and pull an all-nighter so that i can get my sleep schedule back on track to some degree.. wish me luck


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Today I turned 18

10:26 PM Posted by karasa No comments
And i'm damn proud of the fact that it's my 10th post on the 10th day of the 10th month.

Published October 10th, 2014

i'm gonna give myself a high five for that one when i'm done typing.

Anyway, now that i'm a full-grown adult, i've decided that it's time to start taking matters into my own hands.

AKA: I'm gonna pull my shit together. Starting with this blog.

I'm gonna write every goddamned day, because that's what writers do. They write. They don't marathon tv shows while eating ramen noodles (their one meal of the day)! They do that AND they write!! So that's what i'm gonna fuckin do!

New post! Everyday! No matter what!

Now, this may very well mean that i'm going to write about some really shitty things, but you know how it goes.

And i'm saying you, because this person reading right now is either:

A) Someone who is trying to find their friends blog and isn't 100% sure if this is them so they're gonna read a few posts to see

B) Someone who actually gives a rats ass about what I have to say and chose to read this with no ulterior motives

C) Myself, like 2 years from now, trying to figure out why i made the dumbass promise to write every day.
But that's it
that's what i'm gonna do

so suck it me from the future

suck it hard



Tuesday, September 30, 2014


7:43 PM Posted by karasa No comments
Published September 30th, 2014

Shane Dawson's movie was.... not.. good

I feel awful saying/typing that but I can't lie it was pretty rough

more on this later probably

Friday, September 19, 2014

It's 2:48 am

11:51 PM Posted by karasa No comments
And I can't get to sleep for the life of me.

Published September 20th, 2014

I dont know what it is, but I possess the completely useless ability to pull all-nighters like nobody's business, and still function the next day.

This of course has fucked me over in more ways than I can remember, but I guess that's just how it works.

I don't even do aything productive, which is something I can't wait to remedy in college.

I'm gonna go do some online shopping or some shit..


Monday, September 8, 2014


8:19 PM Posted by karasa No comments
Published September 8th, 2014



*i swear this post is going to be taken down for cyberterrorism and i'm never gonna get federal loans and neither are my kids but jesusfuckingjetskiingchrist

Saturday, September 6, 2014

"Better Late than Never"- My new friend Dave

9:28 PM Posted by karasa No comments
5:39 Train from South Norwalk. 25 minutes late.

Published September 6th, 2014

I had met Dave, and all of his other friends for that matter, on a bench inside the South Norwalk station. As per usual, my phone had died at the exact moment that I had something more important to do than snapchat the speed of the train to my friends. Dave and his friends were pregaming in a little circle, but were happy to let me in. in order to have access to the outlet behind their cooler. Now Dave considers himself to be a "man of all trades." He's an actor (look out for him in a Wendy's commercial soon), and a skydiver. He's thinking of becoming a cop, and writing a book about his life. 
          But the most important thing to remember about Dave is that he's a grade A douchebag. Like, think of the douchebag stereotype (A common example is "that guy with long hair who plays his guitar underneath a tree on campus and wears jeans with no shoes outside"). Now take that stereotype, put it in a black v-neck, and douse it in enough Old Spice to sedate a Bengal Tiger, and that's Dave.
          He was nice enough, and offered me some drinks for the wait, He asked me about what I did, and replied to all of my responses with the phrase "Wicked cool," and some vague connection to True Detective. [Note: every time he mentioned True Detective, he turned to the rest of the group, and said, "Now I know most of you probably haven't heard of it, and I know it can go over your head sometimes but it's aahhmazing." every. time.] Then he started asking me about hookup stories, and I informed him that I didn't have many. because I had a boyfriend, He deflated, and rebuttled with "Yeah, I'd have a girlfriend if it weren't so.. committal. Like, if I wanna be a cop, I can't put someone through that stress. That's a pretty main point in True Detective." He then proceeded to regal us with the tale of how he convinced a married woman to sleep with him, after her husband cheated on her with [Dave's] sloppy seconds. 

Needless to say, Dave was more proud of himself than anyone I'd ever seen. I don't even think his grandmother could brag more about her grandson. Which, I suppose, isn't a bad thing. Unless the thing that your proud of is the fact that you like True Detective more than your friends. 

I doubt I'll ever see him again, so here's to you Dave. For showing me what too much pride can look like, and for convincing me to give True Detective a try.

Now, I know most of you probably haven't heard of it, and I know it can go over your head sometimes but it's aahhmazing.


Another Installment of "Better Late than Never"

9:06 PM Posted by karasa No comments
hello all!!

Published September 6th 2014

so as you can see, I'm back to write another installment of my ongoing series, "Better Late than Never: The stories behind my train delays"

Now you may be saying to your computer screen or mobile device: "Hey, Kara, you've never written about this series before! you have 3 other posts and none of them even mention trains!!" And I say to you, my beloved reader: shut the hell up and let me explain.

A few months ago, I had planned to go visit my dad for the weekend. Everything was planned out to the last second, with no room for error. I got off of work at 6:00, and I planned on catching a 6:47 train. This meant that I had to drive home, shit, shower, change and pack all of my belongings for the week, by at least 6:40, so that I would have enough time to walk to the train station and buy a ticket on the platform.

I made it out of my house at around 6;45, and sprinted like I was the first one to the finish ribbon at the end of the marathon. I all but shoved every other patron aside to make my way to the ticket machine, where I mindlessly typed in all of the information, my eyes glued to the far end of the platform, searching for any sign of a train. I crossed over, and with an obnoxious sigh of relief, I melted into a seat, not caring that my bags pooled into the three other available seats around me.

I waited for a little bit, and called my dad to warn him that the train was running a little late.

Twenty minutes later, a voice over the intercom informed me that the train i had assaulted a little old lady to catch, had been cancelled. As well as all other trains after it.

This was the worst thing that could've happened. I wasn't even aware of the fact that trains still got cancelled until I heard this announcement. I couldn't call any of my family members for a few minutes, because all I wanted to do was curse out anyone from the MTA, or anyone who thought it was a quality service. But the silver lining to this shit-storm, was that I was not the only one who was losing their shit over this. No, it was me, and the 27 other people on the platform. For the first time in my life, I was apart of an angry mob, and proud of it.

One woman stood on a bench, and dared the MTA conductors to "fuck wit us," because she was "too fucking mad to lose."

A man began taking names and emails down to set up a county wide carpool, in an attempt to run MTA out of business.

I threw in my two cents, and was greeted with applause when I reminded everyone that "We payed good money for this shit!!"

It was one of the best experiences of my life, because of one of the worst.

Now the sad thing is, that was all just a backstory. Now the real stories come from the dumb ass conversations and people that I'm forced to entertain, while we wait more minutes than expected on the train platform.

So look out for this! I think it's pretty cool. I hope you do too.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

An Honest Review: Criminal Minds

7:43 PM Posted by karasa No comments
Published September 3rd 2014

Let me start by reminding those of you who might be reading that this is a personal blog. Therefore, I am not going to be making any extreme effort to write in this every single day. My life, as unbelievable as it sounds, is not that exciting. I'm sure all of you would love to hear all about how I woke up at noon and ate ramen for 3 hours, but alas, you'll have to deal with my erratic schedule.

also: my opinions are my opinions. deal with it. if you have an issue, feel free to email me so that i can explain to you personally that i probably don't care about your opinions (if they're legitimate criticisms, i may [MAY] accept them).

Criminal Minds is toxic. it is one of the worst things that could be streaming on netflix right now. 210 episodes of pure gore and disaster, paired with irrational female characters and downright despicable male characters. I. Love. This. Show.

I have no idea what draws me in so much. Maybe its the idea of evil being brought to justice. Maybe its Garcia's computer talk. Maybe its because i feel 100% better after watching every episode because no matter how bad i get, i'll never be bad enough to kidnap and kill babies and send their arms back to their families.

I hope that other people share my sentiment/obsession, because it's gotten to the point where I've started warning my boyfriend about going out into certain places when there are 30-something year old white males, because those are the men who are most likely to kidnap/kill people our age.

either way, that's basically what's been keeping me away from da blawg
everytime i open up the internet, i go straight to netflix and forget about everything else that was supposed to be important to me. oops.

also it's a bitch to sign in to this shit so sometimes i'm just like fuck it bye felecia

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Story Behind the URL

9:07 PM Posted by karasa No comments
Published August 28th, 2014

I'm not sure if it's important to explain the origin of my url/blog title, but i'm gonna do it anyway, because i'm a grownup who explain things when they don't really need to be for the sake of my own peace of mind. \

Now this is the first time that i've tried to explain a blog title, and let me tell you: it is not easy.
all of my other blog titles are puns, or self explanatory (shameless self-promotion coming up, proceed with caution)

african american apparel
hi my name is kara
and k-sleazy
you can probably understand why all off these came to fruition, and if not, you don't really need to know, so don't worry about it.

Basically, it all started with an article. This article, is quite possibly, one of my favorites of all time. It's written by Molly Crabapple, who is a winner in and of herself with that name alone.

the article i'm referring to is this one: http://www.vice.com/read/we-must-risk-delight-after-a-summer-full-of-monsters

i'm not gonna link that so you'd better deal with copying and pasting

In the article, Molly explains that the world is a shithole in the most beautiful words imaginable. I'm all about it. I've never read an article that articulates all of the recent wrongdoings of mankind in such kind and poetic words. She, which is the case for many writers of VICE articles, is amazing. I literally fell in love. I wanted to pay this woman for letting me read her article, because if i have to pay for stephanie meyer's garbage writing, then i would damn sure be okay with paying for this. (Note: i don't care if you are a fan of twilight. I was too when i was 12. But looking back, the books were just straight up written poorly.

Now because of Molly's article, I felt inspired. I felt like I had to work to find joy in the world, to help Molly reach her goal of survival in this horribly unfair world. I posted the article on Facebook, and began to draft a strategy on how to make my life a lil better. I started reading all of the articles I found interesting on vice, and listening to the New Pornographers new album, to get me in the mood of improving my self worth.

after 15 minutes had past, i found myself switching between fourteen different tabs, struggling to find the content that i found so compelling just moments before. I decided to knuckle down and focus, and deleted the majority of the tabs, save for the articles i was reading, a page about a new app i was buying, and Facebook. I switched over to Facebook to figure out what was so important on the page that i had to keep it open, but i couldn't find it. delete.
2 minutes later, i open a new tab, and go to facebook.

I couldn't figure out why i was so insistent on having facebook open, and then it hit me.

the world.
that dumb fucking world that signifies notifications. That's the only thing keeping me grounded. As i scrolled through the various updates from the pages and friends that i had, i couldn't help but be disappointed with myself when i realized how little of a fuck i gave about all of them.

new photo! "Me and bae" 'like'

new status! "I think it's time for a new tattoo" 'like'

new link! "check out my long overdue ice bucket bikini challenge lol"

With every thing i scrolled past, my eyes strayed farther and farther away from the words, and towards the little world icon.

Sadly, there is nothing more exciting, and also more depressing, than getting a facebook notification. You can't deny the small flash of warmth you feel in your heart when someone likes your new profile picture or status. You also can't pretend like you don't get horribly annoyed when you think that the notification is from someone doing something nice for you, but it's instead a game request.

that's when i realized that i was horribly self absorbed. Because not only did I stopping looking at the home page of facebook, but instead i defaulted to my facebook profile. Every time I switched over, I got a glorious glimpse of my own face, and my own words.

And the reason I did this, was because I wanted people to acknowledge my status. I wanted someone to comment and say "you know she's right" so that I could comment back and be like "yeah, I felt so inspired, I'm gonna go write about it"

if that doesn't sound like the douchiest thing you've ever heard, then god bless your soul.

so the url pays homage to hopefully the lowest point in my life.

as for the title. That's a basic summary of everything i post on here. Who knows? Who cares.



8:40 PM Posted by karasa No comments

Published August 28th, 2014

As you have probably figured out, this is a blog. My blog, specifically. This is where i'm gonna be writing from now on. and not just cool, objective and introspective blog posts about my life and how i want the world to be, or awesome sonnets that i hope VICE discovers and puts on their front page. this is where i'm going to be writing from now on. period. that includes my dumbass posts when i'm drunk/high/tired enough to seem drunk/high. and its gonna get really deep into shit. personal shit. but not that deep because i feel like keeping it public will force myself to be vague but honest. if you're still reading, good on ya, here's a little about me:

As of right now, I'm currently living in my dad's house, after moving out/being kicked out of my mom's house. I'm a college freshman at BU, and I'm starting college in January. I want to be a storyboard developer for videogame franchises, which i've been told is the stupidest career path (thanks, mom). I am agender and asexual, if you really needed to know. I label myself as a democrat but i think i may be more ignorantly liberal than that. My birthdays in October and my favorite day is Thursday, because all of my randomly "fantastic" ideas tend to occur on Thursdays (ex; the first time i handcrafted a 3.5L G-bong, the day i created this blog)

I have a few fantastic people in my life that keep me grounded, as i tend to lose sight of actual fucking reality sometimes. That being said, sometimes I'm so optimistic it's dangerous. I've got my family, my boyfriend, my friends, and strangers. I absolutely adore strangers. It may seem really creepy, but it's really interesting to me how the littlest thing that someone you've never met can affect you in more ways than you'll ever know.
(An example: Dude A is running late to a meeting one morning. He grabs his coffee and pours it into the to-go cup, but doesn't really fasten the lid. As he's racing down I-95 trying to make it from exit 14 to exit 8 in record time, he lifts the coffee to his lips. Coffee spills, he panics and crashes, and now the highway is backed up for miles due to rubbernecking. 2 hours later you find yourself trying to merge into the left lane to try and get 10 feet farther a minute faster, and when you fail, you take matters into your own hands. Soon enough you're pulled over and given a ticket for driving in the shoulder. All because Dude A slept in after marathoning GoT.)

I don't expect many people to read this, so I won't waste time trying to be polite. I curse to get the point across, so if you don't like it, you can go read some other teenagers dumbass blog. I'll also write about tv/movies if i like them enough, so expect spoilers

I don't really know what else to say, and I have another blog post idea in my head right now so i can't really keep wasting time writing this.

also: i ramble quite often