A place for me to expand into a regular writer in the most obnoxiously modern way I know how.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

WWW: not (2015)

9:00 PM Posted by karasa No comments
Guess who already fucked up their schedule?

Published January 7th, 2015

This one.

I forgot to dress cute today so this WWW wouldn't be very interesting. To make up for it, however, i'm going to update this post tomorrow/friday, with a lovely OOTD, and a nice pinterest tip.

But so as not to leave you without reading my lovely words: here's a cheeky Whine Wednesday.

Today I had to buy pads at the CVS in the mall, which is awful. No one wants to buy pads down the hall from where they work. No one. What made it worse was the CVS employee who kept staring me down as I walked through the aisle with my box, and stood behind the counter staring at me, but didn't ring me up. The fuck. dude.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

Manic Monday #1 (2015)

8:01 PM Posted by karasa No comments

Posted January 15, 2015
CW: Drunk Driving, Discussions of drunk drivers 

It's time for the very first Manic Monday, which is where I talk about something that's crazy awesome or just plain crazy that happened. It won't always be super recent, but I'll try to keep away from news headlines from the 70's.

This week's story:

"Street-Sweeper DUI Suspect Leads Cops On 35 Mph Chase"

I have so many questions. 
I'm not sure if this was a good story to start with but fuck it we're here now.

First off, where did this man get a street-sweeper? I assume that he works with whatever company controls the operation of street-sweepers, but I don't understand how someone would be able to get past their supervisor and behind the wheel of a street-sweeper. I don't know if you've ever been to a party, but in case you haven't let me fill you in on what happens when an inebriated person tries to get behind the wheel. Almost immediately, someone will stop them, and stand in the way between the intoxicated person and the car. After that, the keys are taken away. I've never been to a party where anyone has driven home after drinking more than they should have. I'm probably very lucky to be in that situation, and to not know anyone whose been personally affected by drunk driving. 

That being said: How do grown people, who've probably had a hefty drink or two in their day, not recognize a drunk person? Did Jerry Mitchell just stumble into work and get going to his job, without even a passing glance from his boss as to the fact that his feet were barely keeping him up? The police say that his blood level was allegedly "twice the legal limit," which implies that he was a little bit more that impaired. This dude was drunk, point blank. It's hard to not notice a drunk person, no matter where you or who you are. The article informs us that Mitchell was charged with "unlicensed operation on New Years Day" The fuck does that mean? Unlicensed as in he doesn't have the proper license to drive a street-sweeper, or unlicensed as in unauthorized use of a street-sweeper on a holiday?

 I.. I don't even know how to move forward. What the fuck. What the heck. Really. This has stumped me. I have so many more questions, and this article has none of the answers. One of my rules for Manic Monday is that I will not Google anything about the story, and only work off of what the article says. I regret this rule so much. 

I hope you enjoyed (all maybe two of you who are reading this). If you have anything to add or any stories for me to check out let me know in the comments below (that's a really common rhyme thats overlooked *fun fact*) 


Schedule Time! (2015)

7:34 PM Posted by karasa No comments

Published January 5th, 2015

I fee like today is a good day to unveil my plans for this blog henceforth

Are you ready?
Because i am!!

Sundays are now Savory Sundays, where I'll be posting a recipe that I've tried out recently, as well as a review/inspiration for the food (I guess)

Mondays- Manic Mondays, which'll feature super interesting and hopefully inspirational stories from people doing super crazy exciting things (these people will probably never be me)

Tuesdays- Tunesdays *hahahahaha im sorry*

Wednesdays- What to Wear Wednesdays, including a lovely OOTD and a pinterest tip! maybe even a cheeky lil polyvore board

Thursdays- GTLD. I have no classes on Thursdays, so this is the prime time for GTL, Gym, Travel (I don't really need to tan much), and Laundry. I'll post various things depending on which one i decided to do that thursday, or mix and match posts including two or three!

Fridays- Flicks Friday. I absolutely loved that about Cartoon Network. A film every friday. Usually they'll be movies on netflix, because i'd like to have a bit of a flashback friday element as well, but if I end up going out I guess that'll work as well.

Saturdays- SATurdays/Shitshow Saturdays. Where I'll either make an attempt to be cerebral or just fuck up horribly.

Are you pumped?

I am